Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Live Evil:Initial Ideas for Story-line

This is our initial  ideas for the film's story-line.
The film will begin with the main character watching a horror film on TV.
The horror film that the character is watching,will be in a documentary style where everything is filmed from the characters point of view with their camera.
The film will be about three friends who go camping in the park but discover that it’s actually an abandoned cemetery, they get lost and it gets dark. The friends start to disappear until the ghost finally comes for her (the one with camera); at that moment the camera falls on the floor and allows the girl watching the movie to see that it’s actually her. She stops the film since she is freaked out and goes out for a walk.
Meanwhile a family member comes into the room and accidently turns on the movie again (sits on controller) she then begins to watch the film, where the main character eventually dies.

After the movie ends the main girl who was walking around aimlessly, realises that she has somehow ended up in front of the same cemetery in the film.
She walks into the cemetery and then stops, at that moment a hand comes from under the soil and grabs her feet. After that we only hear her scream but  then the camera focuses on the soil with looks messy to indicate that she has been pulled underground.

We wanted our film to leave a deep impression on our target audience, which are mainly teenagers not only from our local community but other parts of London too.
So we decided to pick locations which our local audience regularly pass by or have been to before, which are our school, local cemeteries and park. We want our film to scare them to the point of them remembering our film whenever they walk pass these locations at least for a short while.
Teenagers from other parts of London can still relate to our chosen film locations as they are places which they most likely have been to or passed by.

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