Tuesday, 30 October 2012

4D Technology

After the 3D the film industry is now focusing on how to enhance the film experience for cinemagoers, by doing this they are now developing a new type of technology 4D.Video on 4D technology in 2010

4D causes the images to seem like they are coming out of the screen and make them appear to be moving inside the space in the room, this is because of the long and round screens that make the images come out of one screen and enter another.
Another way 4D technology works is by having especially adapted seat which move from side to side, shake and lift up, following the movements of the action on screen such as a car crash.
Recently the new Spy Kids has used an element of 4d technology, scratch cards where the audience was told on the screen which number to scratch and then they had to smell the card which was suppose to smell the same way as the food on the screen.

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