Wednesday, 20 February 2013

LIVE EVIL: Individually Edited Scenes

The following scenes were edited by me:

These scene were edited by my partner Anika:

This is what are film looks like after I put her scenes together with mine:

Thursday, 14 February 2013

POSTER: Working in the Darkroom

These are the photos I developed
Me working in the darkroom
Since we have now began to prepare for the creation of our film poster, I decided to use the darkroom at my college in order to develop a series photos using the shadows created by objects important to our film. I did this because I found that the end result looked quite scary meaning that it would be a good idea to incoporate these images into the creation of my version of our film poster.
After developing my photos and waiting for them to dry, I scanned them onto my computer so that I can later access them when wI begin the making process.

This is one of the photos I scanned into my computer.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Final Filming Day in the Cemetery

Me and Ms Whipp after the filming was finished.
Today was our  final filming day for Live Evil in the cemetery. I'm sad that it's almost done since we are having so much fun filming the scenes, but I'm glad everything worked out without any problems and that I was able to quickly come up with a new ending allowing us to continue filming today as planned.
As a result of changes to the story, I had to become the villain, which was something I was a bit nervous about since my acting skills have room for improvement. But I'm glad the shots came out alright from what I saw in the camera. Overall this experience was really fun, I enjoyed playing a character which was nothing like me, it was fun pretending to drag Rebecca on the floor, hit her on the head with a flashlight and hide in the woods behind gravestones and slightly scary too. 

Me getting ready for my scenes.
But I have to admit that filming there for more than 1 hour caused us to stay there when it was slightly darker than planned and consequently some of the people we encountered there were slightly strange for example there was a guy that came past us three times which made our lead actress feel a little uneasy.
However the ambient sound was great, we managed to record the sounds of crows, the crushing of leaves, the wind whistling and airplanes flying.

Last but not least I'm really glad we chose Ms Whipp as our main actress, she really grasped Rebecca's character and her feelings, over all her acting was fantastic especially the scream she did during the dragging scene.


Today was probably one of the most important filming days so far since we would finally be filming the highlight of our movie, the most important and scariest scene- the dragging scene. This scene needed to work out no matter what, so we gave extra detail to props and equipment.
Preparing for the dragging scene.
One of the ways we did this was by getting me to bring black plastic bin bags to place on the floor where the actress would lie on. We did this in order to allow the actress to slide easily while I dragged her and prevent the actress's clothes from getting ruined. Judging from the footage we saw on the camera after recording, the plastic bags could be clearly seen, but since that couldn't be helped we decided that this rather than being a problem, added extra creepiness to the screen, by suggesting that those bags had been placed there by Amber because she might be using them to hide the body later on.

The final killing scene also took place today. We used fake blood in order to add realism into our film and make it look as if I really did hit Rebecca with a flashlight, since the action wasn't shown.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

PROPS LIST: The Killer's Outfit

An additional item of clothing worn by the killer is a black coat. I didn't include this into my table because there isn't anything particularly important about its style, only the colour because it compliments the mysterious feel emitted by the rest of the items.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Withdrawal Form - Signed

Today I arranged a meeting with the actress who unfortunately dropped out of the production for Live Evil in order for her to sign the contract and conculed the withdrawal process. Now me and my partner can begin to look for the best method of dealing with this problem, which might involve getting another actress to play her role or scrap the mother role altogether.

Fourth Filming day

Today was probably the most hectic filming day so far because we filmed the scenes that included almost all the actors. This caused us to give each other different tasks for example, I had to pick up the actress playing the role of 'Kevin' and take her to my house where she could change into the film costume, since we were filming outdoors, while Anika picked up the other actor and the equipment at school.
Adding on to the fact that we had to handle more people, the weather also caused a few problems for example, we initially planned on filming the dragging scene today but because of the rain the floor in the cemetery was too muddy so the actress asked us to do it another day.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Second Filming Day

Today was our second filming day.
Me filming
Actress in position
Me filming
We didn`t have much time to film and only our main character could make it. This meant that I needed to make the most of the time we had and decided to film the scenes where only the main character acted in.
However since we couldn`t film scenes that involved the main character interacting with other charcaters, I decided to film the different angles of her walking through the street, in order to get some filming done.

Luckily we were able to finish all the walking scenes for our movie,without encountering any problems.

PROPS LIST: Mise-en-scene

Withdrawal Form

Withdrawal form from mseabarbosa
After being notified by one of my actresses, that she no longer wished to take part in the project, I needed to write a letter as if I was the company she worked under, explaining why she has made this decision. I wrote the letter instead of Anika because I was the one who cast Ms Firdaws meaning that I was responsible for her part in our project.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Letter to Parents of Actresses

As a result of our next filming day taking place during the weekend, our actresses asked if we could write a letter for them to give to their parents informing them about what we would be doing, where it would take place and for how long it would last. After hearing this me and Anika each wrote a section of the letter, I did the first half in addition to the customizing then Anika wrote the second half after checking through mine. After we had finished writing it we printed out the letter and handed them out to the actresses several days in advance.

Monday, 4 February 2013

ACTORS CONTRACT: New Addition to the Cast

This is the contract signed by a new actor named Abdullah, who has replaced Mr Razwan and taken over the role of Kevin Taiwan in my film Live Evil. He was cast by my  partner Anika after the previous actor dropped out for reasons mentioned in an earlier post.