Thursday 11 April 2013

TRAILER: Recording Day 2

Today was our second day working on our audio film trailer in the recording studio. The first thing we did was to listen to everything  we had done last Thursday to see whether we were still satisfied with the order and effects of the audio files and how the voiceover sounded.

After doing this Mr Mcintosh added some extra effects that we wanted in certain parts of the trailer, for example adding an echo to the door knock at the start of the movie in order to make it more smooth and distant. He also added the same effect to the scream at the end of the trailer in addition to lowering its volume, in order to make it sound like the person screaming is in an isolated locations. 

After doing this we once again went onto the website to listen to the top two background tracks we decided on previously by playing each of them together with the movie trailer in order to decide which of them would fit better with our trailer. In the end we decided to use the 'Journey to the end of the universe' track.
This is what our movie trailer sounds like so far.

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